Vet Surgeon
Dr Michael Grima
BSc (Hons I), GraCertvetStud DVM
Michael Joined the team in early 2020 after working in a number of practices around Sydney. Michael studied veterinary medicine at the university of Sydney. He has a Graduate certificate in veterinary studies (wildlife health and population management) and a Bachelor of science (honours class l) having majored in immunology and microbiology and has worked as a scientist at a number of medical research institutes in Sydney.
He has a particular interest in pathology, as well as internal medicine, dermatology, oncology, ophthalmology, exotics, wildlife and aquatic medicine. he would be delighted to see your scaly, feathered and slimy friends.
Michael is a family man who loves to fill up his free time with bush walks, cooking, gardening, singing and caring for his tropical fish, tree frog and his cheeky feline son Chartreuse.
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